The Faith Banjara Orphan Home


The Faith Banjara Orphan Home provides social and economic development in villages throughout the state of Telangana in India. Many of the people in these areas are discriminated against as untouchables (lowest caste) or because of their disabilities. Some villages still lack electricity and well water. The poorest live in mud and grass huts that get destroyed each year during the rainy season and provide little protection from the 115°F heat of summer. The economic hardships and cultural preference for boys have contributed to parents abandoning thousands of children, sometimes leaving unwanted babies outside to die. There are a great number of needs which are not being met by government services.


The vision of the Faith Banjara Orphan Home is to save lives, change lives, provide dignity, and break the cycle of poverty and suffering through security, empowerment, and hope. When this Indian non-governmental organization (NGO) began in 2006 it focused on caring for orphans. However, the work has now expanded well beyond that initial mission. 


The Faith Banjara Orphan Home provides:

  • Life to unwanted babies left to die in garbage bins and on the side of the road
  • Food, shelter, and weekly health check-ups for orphans and widows
  • Medical assistance including blood drives, organ donation awareness, health education, and care for those in need
  • School for orphans (public school often isn't available) and education programs for adults
  • Social services for senior citizens and those with disabilities
  • Relief for families who have lost their homes or suffered accidents, chronic diseases, or deaths
  • Job training, microenterprise, and agricultural capacity building
  • Construction of water wells and other development projects (a village bridge, for example)

The annual budget of $40,000 provides help to thousands of people. Even a small gift can make a big impact!


Rangasthala Yaksha Mithra Koota

Our most recent donation was to Rangasthala Yaksha Mithra Koota. The Yakshagana artists put in strenuous effort in the nights during performances for more than fifty years for a meager remuneration. In the evening of their life, in most of the cases, they are left with nothing but ill-health, poverty, misery and economic insecurity. Their condition is really pathetic as they are a disorganized sector in the society, unlike the organized workers in other professions.
With the humanitarian intention of giving succor to Yakshagana artist “RANGASTHALA YAKSHA MITHRA KOOTA ® has decided to honor them financially every year with the support of charity and funds for their phenomenal contribution and sacrificing their entire life to this Art.